IVY Entrepreneur Night

Christopher Gavigan

This is a must-attend event for any member interested in disrupting a stagnant industry, or creating a mission-driven business from the ground up. Along with Jessica Alba, Christopher Gavigan Co-Founded The Honest Company, which provides effective, safe, eco-friendly, and affordable household products. In this exciting discussion, he will be sharing his story with IVY members and his insights on how to build a powerhouse brand from scratch. He will also touch on the link between social responsibility and entrepreneurship.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

929 Colorado Ave | Santa Monica, CA


The Honest Company

@ Cross Campus


Co-Founder & Chief Purpose Officer of:

Step 1:

*For complimentary access to this event, please complete your IVY registration.


We believe everyone has limitless potential. Our mission is to trigger transformative ideas and collaborations that lead to unprecedented human unity, progress, and fulfillment. Through meaningful experiences with inspiring individuals, IVY provides a lifelong supply of new friendships, opportunities, and ideas.

"Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant. There is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks." — Johann Gottfried von Herder